WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Share Your Story

Enter your Information

What advice would you give an adult smoker who is trying Ozar for the first time? *

What do you appreciate most about Ozar? How has it impacted your life? *

Why did you decide to use Ozar as an alternative to cigarettes? *

Video Links ( Youtube, Vimeo, Wetransfer ..etc)

Upload Your Photo

Here are a few guidelines that we are looking for to ensure we can feature you on the community page. Unfortunately, submissions that do not meet these guidelines will not be considered.

  • Make sure it's a picture of you!
    By uploading you verify that this image is of you.
  • Photo must be of you alone.
  • Photo must be a headshot.
  • We must be able to see your entire face.
  • Do not use any filters (including Snapchat filters).
  • A photo in front of a white wall or plain background is preferable.
  • Please avoid submitting any images featuring prominent logos or anything that you do not have license to show.

[Max file size 30MB. We accept .jpg, .jpeg, .png]

Select Photos
Please be aware that by submitting information or material to Ozar vapor. in connection with this project, you intend and expect that such data will become public and agree that it may be used and shared with third parties consistent with the attached Release.