Publicity, Testimonial, and Likeness Release (“Release”)
By submitting information on the Ozar Community site, I authorize and consent to the use of my: (i) name (or any part thereof); (ii) city and state of residence; (iii) photograph, video, image, likeness, and voice; (iv) posting, endorsement, or testimonial (collectively, “Reviews”); and/or (v) any information I have submitted to Ozar vapor LLC in any form (collectively, “Materials”) to appear in any media released by Ozar vapor LLC, by those acting under Ozar vapor LLC’s authority, or by their respective agents, representatives and/or assignees (collectively “those acting with Ozar vapor LLC’s authority”), in connection with any advertisement or promotion of, communications about, and/or advocacy regarding Ozar vapor products, services, and/or their use, and/or for any other lawful purpose, including but not limited to communications with the public, advocacy groups, policymakers, and members of the media.
I also irrevocably grant to Ozar vapor, and those acting with Ozra vapor’s authority, the unrestricted, absolute, perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable, transferrable, worldwide right and license to use the Materials without further consideration or notice to me or any third party, including without limitation to reproduce, copy, modify, create derivative works of, display, distribute, transmit or broadcast, or otherwise use and permit to be used the Materials or any part thereof (including with or without my name or other biographical information), whether alone or in combination with any other materials, without any further review, approval or additional permission from or attribution to me, in connection with any advertising, promotion, publicity, advocacy, or commercial activities, media, or materials. I agree that Ozar vapor owns all rights, including the copyright, in and to any works that include or incorporate the Materials made by Ozar vapor or those acting with Ozar vapor’s authority, and that Ozar vapor may register the copyright in such works in its own name or such other name as Ozar vapor may, in its sole discretion, deem appropriate.
I understand that OZAR VAPOR reserves the right not to use any Materials and to remove or withdraw them at any time and for any reason. I also understand that this Release supersedes the OZAR VAPOR Privacy Policy with regard to the disclosure of information to third parties for the purposes described herein.
I certify that: (i) any Reviews or other Material I have submitted are true and accurate and reflect my personal experience and honest beliefs; (ii) I am a user of the products I review on this site; (iii) I have not been given remuneration for submitting any Materials; (iv) the Materials I submitted only identify me, and I have all necessary rights to grant the aforementioned permissions, as well as to grant OZAR VAPOR LLC the waivers, consents, licenses, authorizations, releases, and rights (“Rights”) herein.
I represent and affirm that I have the authority to grant the Rights set forth in this Release, that I have not previously sold or assigned the same, and that no other party has any rights in or to any of the Materials. I also certify that I am over the age of 21 years and competent to contract in my own name, and that I have read this Release and fully understand its contents.